Sea of Knowledge

Five-Step Guide: HubSpot Salesforce Integration

Written by Lauren Ryan | February 2022

The HubSpot Salesforce integration is one of the best integrations on the HubSpot App Marketplace for Enterprise B2B organizations looking to scale. But, the integration is not a replacement for a Sales & Marketing strategy. And, it's not a replacement for internal alignment, processes, or a lead acquisition strategy. Simply using HubSpot will not up your marketing game. And integrating HubSpot and Salesforce will not align sales and marketing.

So, what will?

Implementing HubSpot and integrating Salesforce is a strategic play. Before you click "Install app," you need to get your game plan ready. You wouldn't go into a football game without a playbook, right? (We assume no... we've never played football.)

So, we introduce to you, our 5-step guide to integrating HubSpot and Salesforce.

Integrating HubSpot and Salesforce is simple - it’s what comes before and after pressing “Connect” that presents a challenge. This guide is for the team looking to get it done and to do it very well. We’d like to prepare that team for the HubSpot Salesforce integration so they can avoid the costly mistakes and pitfalls that all too often accompany integrating HubSpot and Salesforce. Sound like you? Great, keep reading.

5-Step HubSpot Salesforce Integration Guide

Most organizations that integrate HubSpot and Salesforce (commonly known as SFDC) use Salesforce Sales Cloud as their primary customer relationship management (CRM) platform and leverage HubSpot as their marketing automation tool. 

However, if you’re looking to add HubSpot to your MarTech stack, it’s likely that you already use a marketing automation tool like Pardot, Marketo, or Mailchimp. Meaning you need to prepare to integrate SFDC with HubSpot and migrate data, automations, and content from your legacy marketing automation tool to HubSpot. This process typically takes our team 80-150 hours from start to finish - so you have your work cut out for you! 

But, don’t worry, this guide will walk you through five manageable steps to integrate HubSpot and Salesforce (and get it done 65-75% faster!). 

Before we get started, here’s a preview of the steps:

  1. Build a Systems Integration Map
  2. Migrate Marketing Automation Tools
  3. Consolidate your MarTech Stack into HubSpot
  4. Prepare your Data for the HubSpot Salesforce Integration
  5. Install the HubSpot Salesforce Integration
For a deep dive into each of these 5 steps download our free HubSpot Salesforce Integration Guide and start integrating!


Download the Free Guide