Sea of Knowledge

Add Salesforce ID to the HubSpot Salesforce Integration | Coastal Consulting

One of the most important aspects of ensuring a successful HubSpot Salesforce integration is syncing Salesforce Contact ID and Salesforce Lead ID to HubSpot.

This can be accomplished by using the appropriate field mapping and the following ID format (00Q = Lead; 003 = Contact).

However, it pays to understand the importance of properties in the HubSpot Salesforce integration to ensure that your Salesforce ID aligns with all HubSpot properties for successful data sharing. 

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What Are HubSpot Properties and How Do They Impact the Salesforce Integration?

A HubSpot property is a field that stores information on a HubSpot record. There are default properties for all objects in HubSpot (contacts, companies, deals, and tickets). You can also create custom properties as you see fit for your business. 

There are 14 property types in HubSpot, including:

  • Single checkbox: A basic ‘true’ or ‘false’ field.
  • Multiple checkboxes: A multi-choice checkbox includes a label, value, and description.
  • Date picker: Use it in a form to allow visitors to include information such as founding date, birthday, etc.
  • File: This field allows the person filling the form to submit an attachment that’ll be available in the contact record.
  • Number: Perfect for information like company size, revenue, or any other numerical data. It can be:
    • Formatted: Uses commas and decimal points. I.e., 1,000.00.
    • Unformatted: Removes the need for commas and decimal points. I.e., 1000.
    • Currency: Relies on your account’s currency settings to format the number. Ie, $1,000,000.00.
  • Radio select: An enumeration property where only one option can be selected as a value. It behaves the same way as a dropdown but looks different.
  • Dropdown select: Your classic dropdown list — except that you can include up to 5000 options with 3000 characters each between label, value, and description.
  • Single-line text: Allows those submitting the form to type a message in the form of a single string of text or numbers.
  • Multi-line text: Allows those submitting the form to type a message that can include multiple paragraphs or a list, for example.
  • Calculation: Stores custom equations based on number properties.
  • Score: Displays a score based on custom scoring attributes, like your lead score.
  • HubSpot user: Displays a list of users within your CRM. You can use it to assign an owner, for example.

The equivalent of HubSpot properties in Salesforce is called fields in Salesforce.

What are a Salesforce Contact ID and Lead ID?

A Salesforce ID is a unique 15- or 18-character code that identifies a record within Salesforce. A Salesforce ID includes several elements that clue you into what type of record it identifies

The Contact ID is the identification number for a Contact record. Similarly, the Lead ID is the identification number for the Lead record.

Do HubSpot properties automatically sync with Salesforce?

Unfortunately, not. When you add a property in HubSpot, you may think it automatically creates a field in Salesforce and vice versa.

But that’s not the case. By default, Salesforce will show a sync error due to an invalid value that’s not in the picklist—similar to when you use data validation in a spreadsheet, and it gives you a warning for typing something instead of choosing an option from the list. 

Let’s back up for a second. A picklist is the list of options you have available in Salesforce for a specific field. Simply put, a picklist is a dropdown menu for you to select whatever option you need instead of typing information.

When you create a value in HubSpot, you’ll need to create its equivalent field in Salesforce and sync it manually.

Plus, you need to make sure that the API value is the same on the Lead and the Contact as this is the name the integration uses to move data back and forth. Each object (in this case, Contact and Lead) has a unique identifier, aka ID, and each field also has one: the API value.

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How to sync properties and fields in your HubSpot Salesforce integration

The first step to syncing properties and fields between HubSpot and Salesforce is to create the field in Salesforce and the property in HubSpot. 

Then, navigate to the Salesforce app in HubSpot and open the tab for the object containing the field you’d like to sync. For example, if you’ve created a new property on the Contact or Lead in Salesforce, you’d navigate to the Contact tab of the connected app in HubSpot. 

Then, click New Field Mapping. From there, select the field in HubSpot and Salesforce and select the relevant sync rule. Click save and this property will now sync between HubSpot and Salesforce. 

To sync the record IDs for contacts and leads from Salesforce to HubSpot, create a single line text property in HubSpot on the Contact and Company objects. Then, a new field mapping between HubSpot and Salesforce will be created for these properties. 

Note: The Contact and Lead IDs will both sync to the same ID property in HubSpot. The API value in Salesforce for both IDs is “ID,” meaning this property will sync both the Contact and Lead ID to the same property in HubSpot.

When filtering between Leads and Contacts, the filter to ID starts with 003 for Contacts and 00Q for Leads. This is the standard format for the Salesforce Contact and Lead IDs and will help you delineate between the two in HubSpot. 

Looking to learn more about the HubSpot Salesforce integration?

Sign up for the HubSpot Salesforce Integration Certification Course created by Coastal designed to simplify the integration, build confidence for administrators, and demystify sales and marketing automation. 

Frequently Asked Questions: Salesforce ID

What is the difference between a Salesforce Contact ID and an Account ID?

  • Contact ID: In Salesforce, a Contact ID is a unique identifier assigned to individual contacts within the CRM system. It represents a specific person or entity with whom a company interacts.
  • Account ID: On the other hand, an Account ID in Salesforce serves as a unique identifier for an organization or company. It is used to link contacts, opportunities, and other related records to a specific account within the CRM.

Can Contact IDs be customized in Salesforce?

No, Contact IDs cannot be customized within Salesforce. The system automatically generates them to ensure uniqueness and consistency in identifying contacts.

However, organizations can utilize custom fields or external systems to add additional information or identifiers to contacts if needed.